update About Me text in landing page
changed all email links to the new sunnybunpost email
added new works to Artwork section
made new favicon, apple touch icon, and social preview
update About Me text in landing page
changed all email links to the new sunnybunpost email
added new works to Artwork section
made new favicon, apple touch icon, and social preview
updated photos on About Me page after recent haircut
updated name & files on Resumé page
fixed bug where a <button> tag was accidentally nested in another <button> tag
changed out Tally form with built-in Framer form
removed Tally & Ko-fi links and widgets from the site
updated Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Cookieyes banner app to accommodate removal of Tally and Ko-fi items
improved formatting on Resumé page
fixed social links on /hello page
finessed the Sunnybun page
updated About Me photo again
updated About Me photo & paragraph
changed Instagram links to new art account @sunnybunpost after privatizing @lizyholiday account
created new page for The Sunnybun Post landing site
updated name header to "Lizy Nguyen" after registering professional tradename with the state
rewrote About Me paragraph and uploaded new photo
added 2023 sketch to Birthday Self-Portrait Series
added 2023 Merry Christmas card to Illustrations & Patterns and homepage
removed Hype from homepage to make room for above
fixed homepage on mobile to display portfolio pieces
fixed portfolio pages to resize site elements with the screen
moved FAQ to landing page with adjusted formatting
moved Tally form to its own page and updated related links
updated footer to include all page links, removed FAQ link
removing unneeded fonts.
fixed "Let's Connect" button to remove unneeded fonts and better set up to show dropdown on click.
added alt text and aria-labels to a lot of elements, fixed heading structure for text, simplified amount of text styles, revised colors for a few elements, and relabeled divs with appropriate tags for accessibility.
added Ko-fi banner to "Hello" landing page.
changed logo to display full legal name.
fixed Shop dropdown in navigation menu where it was showing behind other page elements.
replaced cookie management app to Cookieyes.
added Cookie Policy page.
added Cookieyes and Ko-fi to Privacy Policy page, and also text that clarifies that site owner does not sell personal information.
revised one of the FAQ answers about using my artwork to include crediting.
added "Support me on Ko-fi" button next to other social links.
updated Privacy Policy to include info on Cookieyes and Ko-fi while fixing minor typos and grammar changes.
fixed home page on mobile where images were overlapping each other instead of forming a grid.
fixed button tags to divs for links that look like buttons.
created new Landing Page.
changed image grid on homepage to not resize outside of set desktop/tablet/mobile view sizes to keep grid spacing consistent.
added Toolkit section to About Me page.
changed hover color of resume button on About Me page. Color now matches bright pink hover color on Landing page buttons.
fixed Privacy Policy link on Tally form from About Me page. Added instagram link in form.
fixed missing Change Log URL in footer.
added mobile and tablet view to all remaining pages.
added Change Log page to record site updates.
revised private policy to specify that Tally only collects forms for messages and inquiries. There is no way to respond to submissions through Tally itself.
also revised with new 2 year time limit on retaining direct messages
changed Termly sub-processor section to say "cookie management" instead of "data request" management since moving the data request form to Tally instead.
clarified section on how the site handles private information of children with descriptions of COPPA and GDPR's rules about it.
added a mobile and tablet view to front page.
fixed the navigation bar and footer so that it will resize itself better with manual resizing of the window (including when page is under mobile or tablet view).
fixed privacy policy to state the new domain: lizyen.com instead of framer subdomain
revised cookie policy to include proper contact information. Cookie scan of website, now linked to domain, now only shows 1 essential cookie from Termly instead of the 2 mysterious cookies before.
created new Tally form to collect data access requests and replaced link in privacy policy.
launched site with essential elements
connected site to domain: lizyen.com